Hi! I am Christy Splitt. I live in SW Portland, where my husband Tom and I are raising two kids, ages 6 and 10, in partnership with our neighborhood public school.

For nearly two decades, I have worked in and around the Oregon Legislature. I have staffed elected officials, coordinated the state’s largest environmental coalition, and now work at a state agency. I have helped pass legislation addressing climate change, protecting kids from harmful chemicals, making it easier to vote, and encouraging equity in state government. I have also taken recently passed laws and helped turn them into programs, gotten into the weeds on state budgets, and worked to make wonky policy conversations and political processes more accessible to Oregonians.      

Before I worked in public policy, I was a high school civics and social studies teacher. I left the classroom to experience civics firsthand in the Capitol – but I kept finding ways to stay in school. For twelve years, I was a volunteer coach for Lincoln High School’s award-winning Constitution Team; I focused on teaching teenagers about civil rights. And as soon as my oldest was in Kindergarten, I was volunteering with the PTA – including two years as a PTA president immediately post-pandemic. I have volunteered at lunch every Friday for going on four years – getting to know kids from K-5, their teachers, the staff. Because I have watched what budget cuts have done first hand, I have also worked to organize Portland parents in support of increased funding from the state. 

When I am not working, momming, or volunteering, you can find me at a barre class, walking our dog, or spending as much time as possible with friends and family – ideally near water.